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The Olympic Review and Paralympic Preview
If you want to continue this discussion, please join us on our Freemium circle at The Dojo Collective
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The Olympic Heartbreaker
It's both an incredibly exciting time of year with the Olympic selections just out and the Games about to begin, but also a heart wrenching one. The hardest thing now to do is knowing what to do next.
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Jim Warren: Martial Arts in the Movies & Old Stories
Jim Warren was one of my full time students at the NA Academy in the 90's. He has gone on to coach international athletes but has found his true post-competition passion in directing and acting, where his Judo skills...
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The Different Ways of Learning
If there are different ways of learning, there are different ways of teaching & coaching.
The Dojo Collective: CLICK HERE FOR INFO
Freemium: a free community of free premium content
Curious Coaches: a membership...
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What The H*ck Are Combinations?
Neil & Niki duke it out over their idea of what a combination is. Who knew a combination could be so.....spicy?!
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Benefits of Crosstraining
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Symmetry of Skills
Neil speaks with his IJF World Judo Tour Commentator, Sheldon Franco-Rooks about how skills can travel laterally across all sports and arts and how we can learn from this cross training
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Technical Concepts : Teacher, Instructor or Coach?
Have you had a look at your class and thought, why is this so difficult for them? What don't they get?
You may have inadvertently skipped a step. We nearly did when creating Judo Excellence.
Just before we were...
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Belief & Expectations : Speaking with Paralympic Champion, Chris Skelley MBE PLY
2020 was an incredible year, one for the history books! One that saw an usually unshakeable institution such as the Olympic Games deferred a year. Golden boy, in hair and heart, Chris Skelley brought home the Gold...
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Skills Mastery : Episode 1 The Dojo Collective
Looking at Performance Pathways and where it all should begin, Neil and his wife and fellow Olympian for Canada speak about development through skills, rules and competitions.
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